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 _| |_| | \ \ _| |_| |\  |/ ____ \   _| |_   \  / ____ \| |\  | |__| | \  / ____ \ 
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 _| |_| | \ \ _| |_| |\  |/ ____ \ 
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|_   _\ \    / /\   | \ | |/ __ \ \    / /\    
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I am Irina Ivanova, experienced software tester and web enthusiast. My current job is senior test automation engineer at Nortal and higher education is bachelor of science in engineering, University of Tartu. Also I have a small business Vimo for web and mobile services.

download CV (pdf, 83kb)


IT portfolio

- this.page / github / this profile page based on KISS idea

- vimo / link / all works under this small business of my own for web and mobile services

- mm-to-pt / link / github / online converter of millimetres to typographical points of different standards

- scripts / github / collection of little helper scripts on python and bash to automate some daily jobs

- personal blog / link / github / my personal blog made in jekyll

- version updater / github / bash script for updating java applications on Tomcat or WebLogic servers

- browser extensions / gitlab / colleaction of helper extensions for Chrome and FireFox (not supported anymore)


public talks

> AssertJ - Personal Experience / 18 march 2024 /

> Getting Started With Web Testing / 13 june 2018 / / github / slides

> What Tools to Use to Test Better? / 15 june 2017 / / github / slides

> Biases in Software Testing / 30 july 2015 / / youtube / slides

> Bug Bash / co-author Alla Tarnovskaja / 22 may 2015 /



former project manager at Nortal

Irina is always up to practice new technologies and gadgets or create something on her own in order to improve results and make life easier. Curiosity going hand in hand with ultimate correctness and ability to dig into the depths most testers wouldn't dare to dream of makes her unique.

former head on testing at Nortal

Irina is a professional software tester in the best sense of the word. She is continuously developing and broadening her knowledge in testing and technology which makes her an invaluable team member and leader in her own right. Irina is willing to take the time and make the effort to learn new skills, and pass this knowledge on in a team setting or by publishing a blog post. With her calm attitude and considerable technical savvy, she's the one to work with in building quality software.

former CEO at Tartu University Hospital Children's Foundation and former CEO at Artha Rahaadakeemia Foundation

Irina Ivanova was a volunteer in Tartu University Hospital Children's Foundation from 2013 to 2014. Irina helped with all day-to-day IT related issues in the organization, but her greatest project was to create platform and prototype for the new homepage according to the visuals provided by creative agency. I am very thankful to Irina for all her time, that she was ready to contribute in the idea to evolve IT area of one of the largest children's oriented foundation in Estonia! If all people would do voluntary work with such commitment as Irina did, then charitable organizations would evolve as common successful organizations!

former CEO at Tartu University Hospital Children's Foundation

Irina was very responsible and agile volunteer. Under her guidance a lot of IT related issues have been solved. Additionally she had high motivation and was very creative and flexible in her actions. Irina is definitely valuable employee.


non IT stuff

street library

i love books and i love urban design, so i've founded a local street library near my home. i also manage its' instagram account @kvissentali_tanavaraamatukogu where local community can find out about refills and tiny events that are happening here.


austria . belgia . cambodia . egypt . england . finland . france . germany . greece . indonesia . ireland . italy . latvia . netherlands . poland . portugal . russia . spain . sweden . thailand . turkey . viet nam

vinyl passion

my vinyl records collection on discogs

home setup: tuned pro-ject essential II (audio-technica at150mlx mm), custom tube preamplifier and phono from local craftsman, onkyo a-9010, custom speakers from local craftsman